Burnout self-test checking yourself for burnout if you prefer rigorously validated tests, then the maslach burnout inventory may be useful. this was developed by christina maslach, one of the leading researchers in the field of burnout. copies can be purchased at this site.. The maslach burnout inventory (mbi) has been recognized for more than a decade as the leading measure of burnout, incorporating the extensive research that has been conducted in the more than 25 years since its initial publication.the mbi includes three questionnaires – the human services survey, the general survey, and the one this report is on, the educators survey.. Maslach burnout inventory third edition christina maslach, university of california at berkeley susan e. jackson, new york university michael p. leiter, acadia university.
Burnout is a global nursing workforce challenge that undermines nurse retention. maslach burnout inventory is the most widely used instrument by researchers to measure burnout. maslach burnout inventory performs well in u.s. studies. factor analysis of nurse surveys from 8 countries demonstrated. Christina maslach, phd, is a pioneering researcher on job burnout, who has won several awards for her work (most recently, the 2017 application of personality and social psychology award). she is a professor emerita of psychology at the university of california, berkeley, and a researcher at its healthy workplaces center.. The maslach burnout inventory (mbi) is an introspective psychological inventory consisting of 22 items pertaining to occupational burnout. the original form of the mbi was constructed by christina maslach and susan e. jackson with the goal to assess an individual's experience of burnout..