Thursday, December 27, 2018

Burnout From Sports

Few would dispute the value to children of participating in sports, organized or otherwise. being physically active and engaged in friendly competition is widely acknowledged to be good for. Youth sports are now big business. more and more adults are making their livings off of kids playing games. and a lot of these adults are pressuring kids to specialize in a single sport in order. Burnout in youth sports is a threat to the physical and mental stamina of young athletes. as competitive youth sports engage younger participants each year, the threat of both physical and mental burnout in young players grows more imminent..

Burnout in sport and performance summary and keywords athlete burnout is a cognitive-affective syndrome characterized by perceptions of emotional and physical exhaustion, reduced accomplishment, and devaluation of sport.. Modern sport culture is replete with qualities thought to make burnout prevalent, including high training volumes and competitive demands, near year-round training, and in some sports, specialization at young ages.. While geared to sports medicine professionals, the 2014 position statement from the american medical society for sports medicine (difiori jp, et al.) provides helpful guidance to sports parents on the causes, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of burnout in youth athletes..

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